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€ 120,00

VAT excl. 22%

€ 120,00

KIT Compression WP XPlor (KIT XPLOR 4)

Pair of compression adjustments for forks WP XPlor 48mm with the purpose to have more range of adjustments. The stock fork can be adjusted with only one compression and one return, both on the the top.
This KIT add the compression adjustment also on the bottom of the fork, so we'll have two adjustments on top for the return and two adjustments on the bottom for the compression, simulating the traditional system. Made in Italy.


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  • 150/250/300 EXC TPI 2017–2023
  • 250/350/450/500 EXC–F SIX DAYS 2017–2023
  • 350/450/500 EXC–F 2017–2023

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